Planting Your Garden How about some `wild animal insurance`

Released on: April 9, 2008, 11:22 am

Press Release Author: Lexington Outdoors


Press Release Summary: Company offers natural alternative to pesticidal repellents
for protecting your spring seedlings from animal threats.

Press Release Body: This time of year people all over the country start looking
forward to this year's garden. But gardeners are not the only ones excited about
seeing new sprouts in fresh soil. The wild critters are excited too! Newly
sprouting seedlings are like an all-you-can-eat salad bar to deer, rabbits and other
animals after a long cold winter. Some critters like mice, moles and voles don't
even wait for the seedlings.they chow down on the seeds like they were party snacks!
So, what is a gardener to do? Pull out the PredatorPee and send the wild animals
packing. According to Ken Johnson of, "PredatorPee is like wild
animal insurance for your garden. The one thing that the animals grazing in your
gardens fear most is their natural predator, like the coyote, the wolf, the fox, the
bobcat or the Mt. Lion. PredatorPee is real coyote urine, fox urine, bobcat urine,
wolf urine and Mt. lion urine. It duplicates the marking scent left by these
predators in the wild. Prey like deer, rabbits, moles etc. immediately recognize
this scent and will leave the marked area as quickly as possible."

Many gardeners look to pesticide repellents to protect their gardens, but Johnson
warns that careful consideration should be taken before using these powerful
pesticides. "PredatorPee is as all natural as a product can get. It is not a
pesticidal repellent, it is simple "pee" that occurs in the wild every day. When
you choose to use a pesticide type repellent, you are adding something to the soil
that has never been there before. Think about that carefully before you do it."

Even fences are not enough says Johnson. "Did you know that a deer can jump a 6
foot fence from a standing start? But, to do it they have to be very close to the
fence. If you hang some coyote urine-filled dispensers every ten feet or so on the
fence, deer will never get close enough to the fence for a jump."

Johnson also suggests mixing some bobcat urine in the soil around your plantings, it
adds some urea and will also deter the moles and voles from eating your seeds. For
more information about predator urines, visit

Contact Info:
Lexington Outdoors, Inc.
33 Lakeview St.
Lincoln, Maine 04457

Web Site:

Contact Details: Lexington Outdoors, Inc.
33 Lakeview St.
Lincoln, ME 04457

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